Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Years 2008!

We hope everyone ate their black-eye peas, pork & sauerkraut, or whatever your traditional good luck food is. We all took a bite of a hot dog on the way back from the Little Rock airport. Hopefully that covered us until we could eat a Yoder Meat's pork loin today, which was fantabulous!!!!

We spent the New Year in Austin with my parents and sister. It was wonderful seeing the canyons in Austin and soaking up the flavor of Texas. Although we stayed close to home and spent most of the time visiting, we did manage to get in a trip to Salt Lick BBQ, which was a beautiful drive up into the canyons. It is a real rustic place were they smoke the meats in front of you and have chicken only in "season", i.e. if it's been cooked or not. We found this hysterical, or at least I did. What season isn't chicken in ?

You can never not do a little shopping and there was a new outdoor outlet mall near Mom's, so we headed over there and picked up new shoes for me and the kids. I used the Clark's gift certificate Darrin gave me for x-mas. We put Deke's new Nike's on him and you would have thought he had on gravity boots. I'm still laughing!

New Year's day us kids took off for the movies while Mom and Lewis watched Deke. We saw The Legend. It was a good movie, but I have to say the ending was lame. That night Missie and Travis took Chase out to shoot off fireworks. No one was hurt, no fires started and the future pyro of America had his fix. Lewis, Mom, Darrin, Deke and I shot off a few firecrackers in the drive. We didn't want to do too many because we were in the city. Of course, the quote from the night was from my mom to Lewis, "The gasoline wasn't necessary." Darrin shot off one firework and it fell to the side and started exploding around us. We took off for the house before anyone called the Po Po on us.

Although the travel was harder than I realized (wheelchair, stroller, baby, diaper bag, carry on, purse and the 3 of us), we made it! Home never felt so good.

It was a trip I'll cherish. I enjoyed every moment with my mummy.

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