Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dr. visit

Just got home from the neurologist. Good visit, with the exception of having to be rescued from the restroom, which was not ADA equipped appropriately. The toilet was to low and I couldn't stand up. They had to take the door off the hinges. I was MORTIFIED. Thank God, Darrin was there to help me up and out...chortle, only my luck. I've been banned from using the restroom at the offices (lol). Our last visit ended in a similar situation, except I was in a different restroom and was able to reach the door to unlock it, but still couldn't stand. I had to blow my whistle. This wasn't long after Deke had his tonsils out and had lost about 5 lbs, so his clothes were all to big for him. Deke heard the whistle took off at flat run to find me, loosing his pants, belt and diaper along the way, and everyone followed him to me. That time Shirley helped me up and out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 2009

Well, I was just patting myself on the back about not having any "serious" incidents, no hospitalizations and the boom. Off to the hospital I go. I'd had a great day, felt fabulous and then late evening my sugar bottomed out and the real fun began. After 5 hours of no relief, we decided it was time to go to the hospital. I spent the obligatory week, they found no definitive reason or cause and I came home Friday evening. I had a tough week last week, same symptoms, just not as severe and being home was a true relief. I started feeling really good on Sunday and am still feeling great.

This week is dedicated to a doctor a day. Once again, an obligation that has to be repaid after every hospitalization. The one positive is that I was able to see the heptalogist that will be treating my liver, while I was in the hospital and she began treatment, which has already eased my discomfort!


Easter 2009

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We spent Saturday at the church Easter Egg hunt and BBQ. Deke made tissue eggs and ate from the dessert tables.

Sunday we went to church and the Easter bunny went by the house and hid the baskets and left eggs for the kids to hunt.

Darrin cooked our Easter feast, ham, party potatoes, green bean casserole and rolls. So we gorged on candy and food. Deke was ingesting sugar at rapid fire speeds and Chase and Darrin were in peanut butter bliss. I just loved watching it all and following the bunny trails behind Deke as he was hunting. Priceless moments.

Believe it or not, we didn't get a single picture, although we videoed the day. So not stills to share.

Love to all,