Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick or treat!

Good day everybody. It's gorgeous here. We've been out and about running errands and looking at all the "pider and punkns". Deke is still determining what he wants to be for Halloween. He'll either be a little ghoul that scares everyone in a shiny black cape or a horse. He's big into growling and telling you to run...bossy little feller, so I'm thinking the ghoul will win. We visited the pumpkin patch last night an he picked out two. One big and fat, the other a baby squash.

We raised over $8,000 for ALSA and had a great time at the walk, even though a sickness came calling. Tuesday before the walk, I went to the doctor and was told I had a respiratory infection and was given an antibiotic I've taken many times before. Only this time I had a severe allergic reaction. Apparently, reactions are categorized on a scale 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst. I of course had a level 5 reaction and ended up in the hospital for 4 days!!! At first, we thought I was having a reaction to cousin Crystal's blueberry breakfast cake, because I broke out in little red dots from my head to my toes, as soon as I finished my second piece. Eventually, I started to itch and then my feet and calves turned an amazing shade of red/purple. Off we go to home our home away from home, Baptist Collierville. I came home Friday and started to have sores come up in my mouth. They felt like horns when air would hit them. Just breathing was extremely painful and talking wasn't a possibility, although I did manage to croak out a few words. This was caused by all the steroids I was given for the allergic reaction. The doctor played it safe and ordered a swish and spit rinse, so that I wouldn't react to it. What a mess. For those that asked or wonder why I seem to be having issues with medicines since my diagnosis, just don't know my luck (har har). Seriously, ALS causes your body to wear out quicker and leaves a person weakened and susceptible to all kinds of nefty illnesses.

Now for my costume this year, I'll be a bloated, horned witch...snicker

Saturday was my best friend, Kelly's, son wedding. I can't believe my little Scotty has grown into such a remarkable man. The ceremony was so touching, the reception was delicious and sharing the moment with them was priceless.

Crystal you need to share on the recipe, because it was fabulous!

Enjoy the kiddies this weekend! Sugar'em up and send them home.


P.S. I'm working on getting the walk pictures uploaded, so they'll be along soon.

P.S.S. I want to get out to see my Navy friends soon. Definitely before Sabrina has her little baby!

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