It's been a busy few weeks, but today seemed sort of quiet and then I realized it was a holiday. Silly me. Being retired causes the days to kinda run together.
Things have been fairly tame here in Yoderville the last few weeks. I was really tired two weeks ago, possibly because the doctor had increased my med or more likely because I was just tired. I fell approx. 3 times. My legs just weren't able to support me. Almost two weeks ago, I asked my doctor to write a RX for Lithium. My request was based on the results of an Italian study, which showed a very high % of ALS patients given Lithium having the progression of ALS stop. So far, I haven't seen or felt any different. Either it's working or there's been no change....giggle.
Deke is still my little menace. He's every where, every second. He's a Houdini baby. He loves to sing and dance. There's a lever at the back of my wheelchair, near the handle and for some reason he loves to stand next to the wheelchair and sing, LOUD. He becomes transfixed when he sees American Idol.
Chase is still my fashionista. He spends more time on his hair than me (with my handicap, that says A LONG time). He has a new girlfriend, but if you ask him, they're just friends. He spends most of his free time with Deke. He did have a hard week at school last week and was beyond grateful that the week is finally over.
My mom spent the last two weeks with us. We enjoyed the time we had together. Mom was able to take an assignment for the weekend in Nashville, so her weeks were split up. We went to see Fool's Gold, which was funny. We did our Valentine's shopping and even managed to get out to the Amish bakery and furniture store in Whiteville. We did something almost every day of the second week (week one I was too tired to do much).
The girls (Savannah & Jilda) have both come in season and we plan to breed them both, I wuv bullie puppies!